St. Faustina Kowalska

St. Faustina Kowalska

Prayer For The Holy Souls – St. Faustina

Eternal Father,
turn your merciful graze
upon the souls suffering in Purgatory,
who are enfolded in the
Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus.
I beg you, by the sorrowful Passion
of Jesus Your Son,
and by all the bitterness
with which His most sacred Soul was flooded,
manifest Your mercy to the souls
who are under Your just scrutiny.
Look upon them in no other way
than through the Wounds of Jesus,
Your dearly beloved Son;
for we firmly believe that there is no
limit to Your goodness and compassion.
Have mercy, O Lord,
have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


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Thank you so much for such a wonderful collection of prayers that are easily accessible from the devices we use everyday. I may be mistaken, but in Saint Faustina’s prayer for the Holy Souls, I think the word “graze” should be “gaze” in the first sentence.

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