O great Apostle of Ireland, glorious St. Patrick,
to whom under God, so many are indebted for
the most precious of all treasures,
the great gift of Faith,
receive our fervent thanks for the zeal and charity
which have been to thousands the source of blessings so invaluable.
Ask for all who dwell in this land
and the land of thy labors,
the precious light of Faith,
and beg for us on whom its glorious rays
have long since beamed,
the grace to regulate our lives by its sacred maxims.
(Here you may mention the grace, spiritual or temporal, that you wish to obtain)
V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Patrick.
R. And obtain for us the intention of this Novena.
Say One Our Father, One Hail Mary and One Glory be
Glorious St Patrick pray for Ireland