St. Martha, I resort to your aid and protection.
As proof of my affection and faith,
I offer you this light,
which I shall burn every Tuesday.
Comfort me in all my difficulties
and through the great favors you did enjoy
when the Saviour was lodged in your house,
intercede for my family,
that we be provided for in our necessities.
I ask of thee, St. Martha,
to overcome all difficulties
as you did overcome the dragon
which you had at your feet.
Say Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
I need prayers urgently for my daughter whose kidney function is going down she is stage 4, she will have another blood test tomorrow my wife and myself are sick with worry ,my daughter also has another condition Myasthenia Gravis, we are finding it extremely difficult to handle her conditions we pray ,say Rosary most days we need intercession, thank you.
Hi John, keeping your daughter and your family in prayer!! May God grant her healing and comfort from her ailments. May the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Martha intercede for your petition ceaselessly.
Keeping your little girl in my prayers
My daughter also has stage 4 liver but is doing could on pills & following DR.s orders. You can live if you follow the Dr.s orders & have a good attude. God Bless Your Daughter.
My go to in all distractions. St Martha inspires focus on doing what is really important. She also helps to improvise when everything is working against your efforts. To pray when you are so behind and you feel overwhelmed. It is the girl team as I call it…Our Lady, St. Anne, St. Rita, St Martha, St Frances Xavier Cabrini and St Philomena, and St Dymphna.
Amen! I love how you have the team put together for your faith journey! Thanks for sharing this and God bless!
St Martha has really provided for me and my family. We have a great devotion to her and try to say her prayer every Tuesday_ we call it Martha’s day.
My Nana used this Novena all her life. She passed her prayer card on to me. This gracious saint has granted me all of my needs.
” What a treasured memory to have of your Nana. St Martha has helped me as well and it was my mom’s prayer card that I had which I found inspiring. I had a kids typewriter and she gave it to me to practice my typing.
Hi Mary H. Now I can add you to my prayer list. St Martha and my go to girl team. I am retired and due to virus and disabilities have found my prayer time is the best I can do. Rosary and Padre Pio and St Charbel have become the other go to Saint s. Infant Jesus novena is very comforting. And Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Love and Prayers CJ
Mary I’m Marie Heron and my Nana Molly Heron passed it to me
I have always had my prayers answered, Now I am praying for my health. I know this blessed saint will slow the progression of my disease. Mary
Love your expression of faith …Will be praying for you.
Mary I was diagnosed with M.S. 40 years ago. I’m still working out and swimming my mobility is impaired I use a cane and walker. Many people cant beleive I’ve been living with MS for 40 years. I’m sure my faith and prayers have carried me through
St martha I resort to thy aid and thy protection as proof of my affection and faith I offer thee this this light that I shall burn every Tuesday.. Comfort me in all my difficulties and through the great favours which you did enjoy when thy saviour was lodged in thy house.. Intercede for my family that we be provided for in all our necessities.. Iask of thee St martha to overcome all difficulties as you did overcome the dragon that thy had at thy feet.. Mention request here) say our father.. Hail Mary and glory be to the Father..… Read more »
Please pray for me and my family. My mother in law is poorly and wishes to go. But dont know what’s holding her.
Prayers to find a way in my sister’s assisted living to be able to socialize, which she loves to do; but she has Covid and everyone is quarantined. I talk to her by phone because she lives in another state.
It is indeed a hard time to be in such a situation. We will be praying for her quick recovery and also may she find comfort that others are praying for her and keeping her in our thoughts while she recovers!
Thank you for your prayers
Thank you for your prayers , quarantine has now ended, she is better.
I have had Covid 3 times now. You just make yourself due something to do. even color that will work, even word games etc. The time will fly by.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
My mother would pray to St. Martha especially when money was tight. We would pray this Novena with her and light a candle. We never went without anything and felt the love and protection. St. Martha pray for us.
I need a prayer urgently for job security, financial stability as well as love and happiness in my life. I am currently going through a lot of struggles and I need prayers to overcome
God bless you St Marthians
I love you St Martha
I need urgent prayer for financial assistance to have a better accommodation. The one we are in it now is falling on us, it’s over 60yrs now. Please help me pray to St.
Martha so that we can reconstruct this house or build a new one. St. Martha pray for us, Amen.
This Novena was passed along to me by my grandmother who was born in the late 1800’s In any times of trouble this precious prayer has never let me down
I would like to thanks St Martha and spread the word of her Novena